Die British Library birgt einen ganz besonderen Schatz: das von Lewis Carroll handgeschriebene Manuskript, aus dem später Alice im Wunderland werden sollte.
Carroll presented the fictional Alice’s namesake with the manuscript, according to the British Library, as an early Christmas present in 1864. When his friends encouraged him to publish it, he performed a few revisions, “removing some of the family references included for the amusement of the Liddell children,” adding a couple of chapters (the beloved Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter’s tea party being among their new material), and enlisting John Tenniel, a Punch magazine cartoonist known for his illustrations of Aesop’s Fables, to create professional art to accompany it. The result, retitled Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, came out in 1865 and has never gone out of print. (Openculture)
John Tenniel hat die Geschichte also zum ersten Mal „professionell" illustriert. Doch das Manuskript kam bereits mit einigen Zeichnungen – und zwar von Lewis Carroll höchstselbst. Selbst die Kapitelköpfe sind träumerisch kalligraphiert und es gibt auch ein paar textästhetische Spielereien.
Das Manuskript ist gemeinfrei und kann bei der British Library oder noch bequemer bei Archive.org eingesehen werden.
Alice’s Adventures Under Ground : Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Low def facsimile of the original manuscript, maid from British Library’s Virtual books Add. MS 46700 (see at…
Behold Lewis Carroll’s Original Handwritten & Illustrated Manuscript for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1864)
Almost exactly 155 years ago, Lewis Carroll told three young sisters a story. He’d come up with it to enliven a long boat trip up the River Thames, and one of the children aboard, a certain Alice Liddell, enjoyed it so much that she insisted that Carroll commit it to paper.

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