Die fantastische Tilda Swinton ist die Ehrenpreisträgerin der diesjährigen Berlinale und ihre Dankesrede war eine absolute Wucht. Patrick Wellinski brachte es drüben auf Bluesky bereits auf den Punkt: „Kann man sagen, was man will, aber das war rhetorisch eine hoch präzise und brutal intelligente Rede, in wunderschönem britischen English. Sowas gibt es in Cannes nicht."
We can head for can head for the great independent state of Cinema and rest there; an unlimited realm, innately inclusive, immune to efforts of occupation, colonization, takeover, ownership or the development of riviera property. A borderless realm and with no policy of exclusion, persecution or deportation, no known address, no visa required. It's so very very good for us to wonder at the world and to be surprised by admiration for each other, rather then shocked speechless by our cavalier mean-spiritedness and cruelty. To notice our myriad variations and to unite in celebrating them, rather than resign ourselves to a submission, to entitled domination and the astonishing savagery of spite.