Was macht gutes Filmblut aus?
Indiewire stellt die wirklich wichtigen Fragen: Was macht eigentlich gutes Filmblut aus? Und welche Regisseure haben welche Vorlieben? Kann ich das trinken? Sollte ich das trinken?
One of the key ingredients for Smith (along with zinc oxide, corn syrup, and food coloring) is Kodak Photo-Flo, a wetting agent that’s used in photography development. “The trick is getting the proportions just right,” Elsey told IndieWire. “Zinc oxide gives you a creamy base, corn syrup thickens it up and gives it a glossy finish, and food coloring gives it that real blood look. But it’s not just red food coloring you need; you also need a little blue and yellow to get the perfect hue.”