One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age - Digging through the Geocities Torrent

One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age - Digging through the Geocities Torrent
(c) Ezi / Unsplash

Geocities war wirklich ein faszinierender Ort – heute vom Spirit her vielleicht am ehesten mit Tumblr vergleichbar, nur eben ohne die Web-2.0-Netzwerkeffekte.

Those who don’t remember the web before platforms, tend to believe that for 10 years web users stared at their monitors in anticipation. Actually they were made to believe it. First by Web 2.0 proponents, and nowadays by aggressive Web3 campaigns that rewrite the history by stating that Web1 was a dull, passive, read only place. Though, the opposite was the truth, the web before platformization was the place where users owned, wrote and also read.
One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age | Digging through the Geocities Torrent

(via Thomas Gigold)

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