Wie „Fanfiction Finance“ Vice zu Fall brachte

Wie „Fanfiction Finance“ Vice zu Fall brachte
(c) Jamie Street / Unsplash

Großartige Recherche von Elizabeth Lopatto über den Niedergang von Vice. Bottom line ist, dass sich das Management offenbar jahrelang am Unternehmensbudget wie an einem All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet bedient hat. Dieses Verhalten hat das Unternehmen nicht nur vor die Wand gefahren, sondern sogar ganz real Menschenleben in Gefahrt gebracht.

One reporter I spoke to had been traveling back from an undercover reporting trip focused on human rights violations when the production’s credit card started being declined; if it had happened 24 hours earlier, the team would have been in a very dicey situation. Fortunately, a supervisor was able to dig out an old credit card that still functioned, and that was how the group managed to fly home.
“A fucking clown show”: how Vice’s execs burned down its newsroom
The wild expenses, shady deals, and greed that ruined Vice.

Die frühere Vice-Kolumnistin Casey Johnston kommentiert auf Bluesky:

I'd hear constantly as a Vice editor that "digital" (the website and its editorial team) was one of the only unprofitable parts of the company. imagine my surprise that this was in part because PRIVATE JET TRANSPORT for execs was being written to our balance sheet

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