Eine Ode an Frauen, die gehen

Eine Ode an Frauen, die gehen
(c) Rodion Kutsaiev / Unsplash

Schöne Gedanken von Lizzy Stewart über eine vermeintlich so simple Sache. Mir kamen direkt fantastische Szenen wie diese oder jene aus Agnès Vardas grandiosem CLÉO DE 5 À 7 (1962) in den Sinn.

I love shots of women walking through cities in films. I like that they are alone and alive and, usually, wearing a nice coat. I like that even though they are a part of a bigger story, something grand or trivial, for those seconds they are removed of their storyline, the knots and tangles, and they are simply people, immersing themselves in the city, disappearing for a moment and allowing the noise of the world to eclipse the noise of their lives.
An Ode to Women Who Walk, From Virginia Woolf to Greta Gerwig
I love shots of women walking through cities in films. Especially in 80s New York (Meryl Streep in Heartburn, Meryl Streep in Falling in Love, Meryl Streep in Kramer Vs Kramer, Amy Irving in Crossi…

(via kottke.org)

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